Sunday, February 16, 2020

February 16 - Fighting Cancer


I’ve lacked the energy recently to keep the updates going. And we’ve been busy. But we are on a positive track! Isaiah 40:31 says “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” We are trusting and hoping on a daily basis. We’ve been asking God for guidance and direction. We’ve been praying for wisdom in making decisions. Through this, God has brought some amazing people into our lives. But before I get into details, I have to say a HUGE THANK YOU again to those who contributed to the GoFundMe account. This has exceeded our expectations above and beyond! I wish I could write each one of you a thank you card. And the giving continues. This has been a godsend as we have spent quite a bit already and have some more larger expenses coming up in relation to my healing. Thanks to you that is a stress we don’t have to have.

So far in this journey we’ve let the doctors and the hospitals direct our paths and have felt quite helpless. We decided to make a change and do some research about natural cancer fighting options. We’ve learned a lot! We met with two natural cancer fighting centers – one in Tijuana and one in LA – and have learned about some therapies that have had some great results with people and cancer. A friend from church who recently defeated brain cancer (naturally) has come along side me in this journey to help and coach me along the way. We’ve had multiple people reach out to my family with their amazing success stories fighting cancer themselves. We’ve read about how cannabis can kill cancer cells. We’ve learned that cancer can’t live in an alkaline body. We’ve learned that a well oxygenated body can keep cancer from growing and spreading. We’ve learned that we can turn our body into a cancer fighting machine with the right tools and nutrition. We will be implementing many of the things we have learned to help fight this cancer. God can heal us. Or he can give us the tools to use ourselves. Usually it’s a combination of both.

I had chemo scheduled for last week. I cancelled it. Wasn’t ready. It’s frustrating that I am creating a cancer-fighting body and chemo destroys it. I am currently scheduled for 4 days of chemo, starting on Friday…unless I cancel again… I would like prayer for direction on the choices to make to fight this cancer the most effective way. Prayer that God will use my body, His creation, to do what it was created to do and fight this disease. Prayer that some kind of test or result comes in before I start chemo that would change the direction. Prayer for my family. We make the most of every day, but we can feel the fog.

As many of you have already said, we also believe that this will be a big story in our testimony going forward. We believe God has a plan for our lives, and that it doesn’t end here. We believe in a miraculous God! We look forward to seeing what else He has in store for us. THANK YOU to those who brought us a keto meal and treats. I didn’t believe keto could be good but you’ve proved me wrong – everything was delicious. And very helpful to have. My energy comes and goes throughout the day. My weight is holding steady (barely). I still can’t eat as much as I used to. And the family life keeps it’s daily regimen regardless. Except this time, every moment is cherished a little more than normal.

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