Monday, May 4, 2020

May 4 - Onward and Forward!

Hey Friends,

Well, March 22 was the last update and I left you hanging. I apologize. I was in a lot of pain and trying to get through that setback. The last 6 weeks have been a lot of the same thing. I do well for 1-2 weeks, then have a 7 day setback, then I do it again. I just got out of a 2 week setback that was pretty terrible, but today is the 2nd day I’m feeling like myself again and am able to be up and involved in my family life.

After the last update, we ended up getting an ultrasound instead of a CT scan, as it is less invasive and less bad for you. However, it also isn’t as clear. Myself and the doctors couldn’t get a good read to compare to my last scans, and couldn’t determine whether or not the tumors are growing or not. I held off for a while on another scan, as I was starting to feel better, but have determined the scan is necessary. I was off my routine the last two weeks due to being ill, but am back on everything. I have a CT scan scheduled for May 28. This allows me a couple weeks of being back on routine, taking my 65 pills, getting some exercise, doing some alternative treatments, and trying to make by body as strong as possible until then.

I’ll be getting some blood work done as well as the scan. After this, we will have a really good idea on how my treatment is going. Especially without chemo. Then we will take that information and use it to make decisions on the best way to move forward. This is where the prayer comes in. We would like to ask for prayer for health up through the scan. I’d like to avoid any setbacks and try to be as healthy as I can until then for optimal results. Prayer for the scans. We are looking for no more growth in the tumors. We are looking for shrinking tumors. Prayer for decisions. Based on the information we will get, we must decide on how to move forward. Do we continue to pursue natural treatments, or do we consider conventional methods, which we are still not fond of.

God has been speaking to us as well, especially through different people, some who’ve given us words they received from God regarding us and our situation. I keep telling myself I need to pray more. I need to read the Bible more. This is what God wants and this is what I need to do win his healing favor in my battle. At least that is what I thought. Yes, God wants that. However, more than that, He wants a more personal relationship with me. He wants one with you too. God’s been telling me simply to talk with him more. Talk with him throughout the day. In prayer, yes. But in regular conversation too. Little worries, daily stresses, prayer for others – bring it to Him. All day. I get a text from a friend with a prayer request. Talk to God right then and there. I have a new worry. Talk to God. I’m enjoying a walk or a sunset or a nap. Talk to God. It’s not something I’m used to and I need to work out that “muscle” to make it more natural. God wants me to talk with Him outside of my morning prayer and meal-time prayers? Go figure!

We continue to feel confident that God will bring us through this journey and want God to use us and our story to further His kingdom. We also understand (and have been told) this will be a long and difficult road. BUT Jesus is with us and walking us down the path, pointing out the obstacles and helping us overcome. We hang on to this hope and the promises we have in God’s Word. I’ll be better at updating, and will be back once the CT results are in. This should be around June 1. Until then, and as always, we are so appreciative of all of you who are supporting us in different ways. There is no way we could have tackled this on our own. God is good and faithful. Even in hard times. This is a good thing to remember, especially in our current world. Remember that.
